Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Jeux dramatiques and Name day!

Hello my friends in Scotland!

It´s lunch- time! "Kaiserschmarrn and Apfelmus" is a typical Austrian sweet dish! I love it!
That afternoon we were doing a "JEUX DRAMATIQUES"!
Jeux dramatiques is a theater without language. The children don´t play for public, they play by themselves. Important are their own feelings!

Karin told us the story about the little bear and the little tiger "Ich mach dich gesund, sagte der Bär von Janosch". Every child chose between bear and tiger. I was a tiger!

The children built the bear- houses!
And here you can see all tigers:

I was a tiger with a red long tail!

The little tiger is ill! The story is about giving help, getting help and expecting help!

These tigers are almost healthy, they already ate!

The children (tigers) have expressed themselves!

NAME- DAY(a wonderful day)
Karin and Maria celebrate the Name- day with the children!

This is Julia and she invited me! This bracelet is the present! Every kindergarten- friend is allowed to choose a bead for her.

She wanted to bake a cake for her friends!

My Austrian- friends want to celebrate my name- day as well- do you know, when it is?

Next week I have got holidays! I will spend the whole week at Karin´s house!

Bye, bye my Scottish friends!

1 comment:

  1. Wir hoffen dass euer Kuchen lecker war! Wir lieben die Fotos von den "jeux dramatiques"! Die Tiger sind toll.
    Unsere Studentinnen (Gillian, Claire, Anwi und Sarah) verbringen nachste Woche in verschiedenen Kindergarten und werdern den Kindern da euer Fotos zeigen. Kinder bei uns gehen mit 5 Jahren zur Schule - die Kinder unter 5 durfen funf Halbtagen kostenlos beim Kindergarten verbringen - zweieinhalb Stunden entweder morgens oder nachmittags.
