Tuesday, 3 May 2011

This week I was in Nursery!

This week I was in nursery. I got to play with all the children. It is a big nursery with over 70 children. They are all very nice. Can you see me in the pictures? There is a home corner, music, small world and lots more. It was easter sunday at the weekend so we decorated hard bolied eggs for rolling down the hill.

Speak soon Love Petzi xx

1 comment:

  1. Lieber Petzi!

    Da musst du dich ja wie zu Hause in deinem Kindergarten gefühlt haben!
    Wie wir dich kennen, hattest du bestimmt eine Menge Spass mit den Kindern!

    Liebe Grüße aus Österreich wünschen dir deine Freunde!
